Герцогиня Кэтрин с семейством съезжает из королевского поместья
The wife of Prince William and his children moved to London.

Герцогиня Кэтрин с семейством съезжает из королевского поместья

As it became known, Prince William and his
wife the Duchess of Cambridge with children — Prince George and Princess
Charlotte — decided to leave
Sandringham. They intend to relocate to London. This was announced by the British
the Telegraph.

In Sandringham
Kate and William lived for about three years. They settled here after
shortly before the birth of Prince George, the Queen gave them located on
the estate mansion — Amner Hall. As argued here, away from
London bustle and rigors of Palace Protocol, they felt quite

But in the coming year, the grandmother of William —
Queen Elizabeth will be 91, and her husband is 96 years old, and with age
their health becomes stronger. That became especially evident after
about a week ago, Elizabeth came down with
with the flu and so could not recover from it even to Christmas, skipping
Christmas service in Church at Sandringham, which she regularly visited
the last 30 years. No one
doubt that this year the Queen will continue to take the younger members of the
the Royal family is their honorable duty. Most recently, she gave
them the next “portion” by abandoning patronage over 25 organizations.
And accept the authority of the Queen to be, first and foremost, William, Ketri and
Prince Harry.

Герцогиня Кэтрин с семейством съезжает из королевского поместья

So moving to London was almost
inevitable Kabirski for the Duchess and her household. They again settled in
their spacious four-story
apartments at Kensington Palace, which previously held Princess
Margaret and 2011, Elizabeth has betrayed them
his grandson and his wife.

The only serious problem relating to
the move that made Prince William
to think about, is that after moving to London, he may lose
the possibility of doing business. The fact that the base medical aviation,
where the Prince is a pilot, is close to Amner Hall, but rather
far away from London. However, a two-year employment contract for William expire this
year. And, given the fact that he will now have more time to give
Royal duties, the Prince, rather
just still have to give up flying.