DJ Грув проведет курсы молодого папы для Андрея Малахова

Eugene Rudin, under the pseudonym of the musician DJ groove invited Andrey Malakhov to his guests that he met his newborn son and adopted valuable experience in education. Spoke about the desire to see the grove Malakhov in the program “New Russian sensations”.

DJ Грув проведет курсы молодого папы для Андрея Малахова

“Andrew, you too will soon be a dad,” begins his invitation Rudin. “I’ll invite you to meet my son, mark. I will share with you invaluable experience that will teach you everything”.

The musician has accumulated enough experience to hold introductory courses on fatherhood for the future Pope, TV presenter Andrey Malakhov. Recall that Rudin became a father for the first time in August 2017. He reported this good news through social networks, where he exhibited the birth certificate of his son Mark.

Before the birth of her first child, the musician is not in contact with children. But with replenishment in the family, grove admitted that with intense strength began to learn the basics of education. “I didn’t even know that children are not able to hold his head that you need to support it. For me it is a science,” admitted Eugene.

But not a birth Mark remembered August, but the news that at Malakhov the expected addition to the family. Known TV presenter had to finish his career on the First channel that would go on maternity leave, and to help his wife Natalia Shkuleva. Chief editor of “StarHit” admitted that now, all conversations are reduced to the future replenishment in family.

“The last time we were discussing what series of educational cartoon “Child. Einstein” it is better to introduce babies, – Baby da Vinci, ready to send baby to a musical trip from the top of his head to the soles of the feet, or be confined to live under the promising title “Baby Shakespeare” — shared Andrew on the decisions in the upbringing of your child.

Fans of the popular presenter and editor really are happy to recharge, which I do not hide in the comments under their photos in social networks. “Andrew, very excited for you and the spouse. Be happy”, “God Forbid the baby to be born healthy. Surround yourself with happiness”. Many are also interested in the gender of your baby and the name under which they will be called. Many shared their predictions. “Tell us, who wait, as they wanted to name the baby? I think it’s a girl” writes a fan in the comments. Many are confident that Malakoff will be a great father to their child and is raising a baby.