Дочь Екатерины Волковой: «Отдам мужа в детский сад» Little Lisa Karpova gave his first interview in which he told about his plans for marriage and work in the theatre in the evenings. The heiress actress also told “StarHit” why mother did not allow her to speak loudly.

      Дочь Екатерины Волковой: «Отдам мужа в детский сад»

      With the star of the TV series “Voroniny” Ekaterina Volkova and her 5-year-old daughter Lisa, we meet in the “Children’s world”. “This is my first interview” – go according to the girl who grows up in a family artist and a permanent member of the project “dancing with the stars” Andrew Karpov. “Must be worried?” interested me. “No, I didn’t even know that there are questions to ask, reports Lisa. – Mom here trick lured. To the last said that we’re going for the Barbie…”

      Sly Fox

      Lisa, why don’t you answer my questions?
      Дочь Екатерины Волковой: «Отдам мужа в детский сад»Don’t like to reveal secrets.—
      Probably, to become famous, as a mom, not planning, because all famous people are in the spotlight.
      Дочь Екатерины Волковой: «Отдам мужа в детский сад»I’m a dental doctor. And in the evenings, maybe going to play in the theatre.
      In what role can you see yourself?
      Дочь Екатерины Волковой: «Отдам мужа в детский сад»Cunning of a Fox.—
      What do you do in kindergarten?
      Дочь Екатерины Волковой: «Отдам мужа в детский сад»Play, sleep, eat, walk.—
      And girlfriend you got there?
      Дочь Екатерины Волковой: «Отдам мужа в детский сад»Very much! Lika, Alina, Ksenia… Them your secrets and I tell. And my mother, no. I objectiveview. The boys also friends – I don’t really remember their names.—
      And in his spare time doing?
      Дочь Екатерины Волковой: «Отдам мужа в детский сад»Choreographing, even ice-skate. I have two years three times a week I go to workout. I love it!
      Дочь Екатерины Волковой: «Отдам мужа в детский сад»
      Maybe a career you want to build? At the Olympic games to be…
      Дочь Екатерины Волковой: «Отдам мужа в детский сад»Yes, this will be my third job.—
      And husband how? On time with three jobs?
      Дочь Екатерины Волковой: «Отдам мужа в детский сад»So I have a husband with children in the garden going to drive.—
      And what is your idea of the perfect wife, like daddy?
      Дочь Екатерины Волковой: «Отдам мужа в детский сад»How do I know, well I haven’t grown up! Do not know where he goes…—
      Tell your mother she’s strict or not?
      Дочь Екатерины Волковой: «Отдам мужа в детский сад»If I do bad, maybe scold… for Example, when coming here, I accidentally ripped in the car a toy – a ball with flour. It was very funny!Review Catherine: Someone funny, and someone and not. I heard a pop and my rear view mirror saw how the car was filled with something white… Turn – Lisa covered in flour, one eyes stick out. And we still have ten minutes to places! “Sit and breathe”, I tell her. When parked, my daughter got out of the car, began to jump – somehow shook her.
      Mom and dad punish you if you disobey?
      Дочь Екатерины Волковой: «Отдам мужа в детский сад»If one time it doesn’t do that, no. And if the whole day feeling this way, will be punished.
      Дочь Екатерины Волковой: «Отдам мужа в детский сад»
      In two years you to school. I want to go there?
      Дочь Екатерины Волковой: «Отдам мужа в детский сад»Of course! There is coloring, and in the garden only clean sheet…Review of Catherine: Lisa knows letters and numbers, but sometimes “includes” a natural blonde. Just me all the letters of the alphabet called and a minute later, bats his eyes, “I don’t know.”—
      You mom and dad help at home? Maybe cook together?
      Дочь Екатерины Волковой: «Отдам мужа в детский сад»Yes, the pancakes do. We must take the curd, add sugar, eggs, flour, all mix, roll into sausage, cut into slices. To spill any oil on the pan and fry on both sides.—
      Your mother is an actress. Friends ask to take them for an autograph?
      Дочь Екатерины Волковой: «Отдам мужа в детский сад»No friends, and sometimes strangers. But I tell everyone that mom is busy and cannot be distracted. However, one could not refuse. We were on the sea, the girl was too shy to ask, walked in circles. Then I took mom her paper.—
      And to shoot the parents take?
      Дочь Екатерины Волковой: «Отдам мужа в детский сад»I am with my mom in the theater, sitting behind the scenes. In the evening already tired, whined: “Well, mom, come home, and she told me: “wait!” Sometimes I get to shoot the series. I whisper, and then fined. We have to speak quietly…—
      Often the mother see on TV?
      Дочь Екатерины Волковой: «Отдам мужа в детский сад»Not really, specially the series “Voronin” do not look. Mom it is the same as in real life, only her name is different- Faith. But I know that it Katya.—
      As you affectionately called in the family?
      Дочь Екатерины Волковой: «Отдам мужа в детский сад»Lisa, Kitty, Goosen, and I’m a Mama – Cat!Review Catherine: Gusanos Gripping call her because the character with the same name from the cartoon “the Black Cloak” – a copy of Lisa! The same restless.—
      Tell me about your pet, the Pomeranian, Louie. Walking with him?
      Дочь Екатерины Волковой: «Отдам мужа в детский сад»No, he mom early in the morning when I’m sleeping. It is, of course, behaves differently: not peeing on the carpet, and before anywhere went to the toilet. And on the first day the wire from the Internet bit… Stealing my toys, Barbie shoes. We then find in the couch.—
      Girls often take makeup with mom. Are you doing this?
      Дочь Екатерины Волковой: «Отдам мужа в детский сад»Yes, and even dresses.Review Catherine:) And shoes are the most expensive. Conducted an experiment: put in a number of different shoes, so she is wearing louboutins…

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