Борис Корчевников перенес операцию по удалению опухоли

33-year-old TV presenter once again turned to the doctors.

In August last year korchevnikov shocked by his statement all the fans! During the broadcast of the program about the stars who have encountered serious illness, Boris admitted that he knows about the problem firsthand: the doctors diagnosed men benign tumor in the ear nerve.

“I know how important it is, when I pray for you I know how you need prayer and your words. I know, because the word “tumor” was recently heard in my life. I myself was in this situation. I also was diagnosed with a brain tumor”. Fortunately, it was benign, the surgery is already done. However, still have the scar. But I remember I felt the support of friends and family while in the hospital. When I needed it, felt the words of prayers, support of family and friends. I am eternally grateful for that. I know the value of words. Be well. Get well,” admitted korchevnikov.

Boris had to ask again for help to the specialists, and he underwent another operation.

“I’m not doing okay, and I still have to fight for health,” admitted the broadcaster “Express newspaper”.

As it turned out, the German doctors did not dare immediately to remove the tumor completely, though, and had a partial craniotomy.

By the way, latest studies offer hope to people suffering from cancer: researchers have invented a universal vaccine for the treatment of cancer!

“We were the first to establish intravenous vaccine using nanoparticles. In principle we are talking about the vaccine can be applied in respect of all types of cancerous tumors,” said head of research group, Director of the Institute for the study of cancer the University of Mainz Johannes Gutenberg Ugur Sahin the Australian newspaper.

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