Победивший рак Андрей Гайдулян спас жизнь полугодовалому мальчику

Actor Andrew Hagolan knows firsthand what a struggle the illness and how sometimes difficult it is to deal with these people in the matter of acquisition of health financial issue stops. Many patients trite fails to collect money for treatment because of what their success in recovery not as positive as others.

To help deal with this problem Hagolan decided four month old baby to Vadim Prokhorov from St. Petersburg.

The boy needed a liver transplant because of the terrible diagnosis of “biliary atresia” and “heart disease”.

For a long time the doctors evaluated the state of the little Kremlin as serious but stable. However, with the support of a famous actor family, Prokhorov managed in record time to collect the necessary 8 million rubles.

The operation took place in the past months. The donor for the child was his mother.

Immediately after surgery the child’s condition is a concern for doctors, but after a while they concluded that the authority has taken root and now the body is functioning normally.