Анна Хилькевич накануне родов получила выговор от врача
The actress scolded for unreasonable behaviour.

Anna Khilkevich with her husband and daughter

Photo: @annakhilkevich Instagram of Anna Khilkevich

Anna Khilkevich is on the “homestretch”: very soon she will become a mother for the second time. Recently, the actress appeared health problems. She turned to the doctor who found the cause of the illness. Specialist recommended Anna to restrict work activity, more time in nature and relax.

The actress, as it turns out, leads a very active lifestyle, combining work with motherhood. And in addition to this, Lee, by the way, managed to see the match Russia-Spain in the Luzhniki stadium. “Very pregnant,” the actress with other fans roughly supported native team.

After Anna received a reprimand from the doctor, she went for the weekend with her husband Arthur and daughter Arianna in the suburbs. “My doctor asked not to rush and to just stop working. So I with quiet soul rest, what sincerely glad,” said Lee.

By the way, about a month ago, the actress complained to the fans that can’t control their own weight. Star of TV series “Univer” at that time had already gained more than 14 kilograms. To date, this figure has increased by a few kg., having fears that it will not be able to return the slender figure and shares his experiences with those who follow her life.