Анфиса Чехова выиграла суд против собственного отца
The presenter defended his mother.

Anfisa Chekhova

Photo: @achekhova (Instagram Anfisa Chekhova)

Kate Gordon announced that helped Anfisa Chekhova to achieve justice in the difficult situation between her parents. The day before the trial on the claim of the mother of Anfisa. Thanks to the decision of Kim and the father is no longer able to leave the former wife without a roof over your head.

“You’re there in Sochi, and our team again won your trial today and your mommy may not have to worry about It over the years, emerged on the horizon, Papa Turnu from the apartment. We are proud to announce that the team “Gordon and Sons” once again did not disappoint his client Anfisa Chekhov. Today in the Khoroshevsky district court we won the case on invalidation of the right of use of premises and removal from the register,” shared the latest news Gordon.

Relationship of Anfisa and her father do not develop from the childhood of the artist. Dad left the family when Chekhova was only four years old. She admits that she long ago forgave him for past mistakes, but to establish friendly communication impossible. Recently dad Anfisa became the hero of the program “actually” with Dmitry Shepelev, where literally “trashed” the native daughter. Chekhov and this act of the Pope, acceptance and forgiveness, but more contact with him did not want to leave.

“Half my life I hated my dad, half my life learned to forgive him and got out from the very depths of his soul a child unconditional love. I did it! Despite the current hobby of my dad — to go and complain about me — I am very fond of it and quite angry. Even at times a humorous look at the whole situation, — said Anfisa. — I can’t give him glory, what he wants, but I can give him the love that he needs. That’s the paradox. But to be honest, I have already experienced and let go to eternity and their grievances!”