Анастасия Заворотнюк рассказала о спасенной ею девушке Actress for many years supported the fan with a severe illness. Anastasia Zavorotnyuk told about the amazing relationships with admirer of his talent, which she helped to cope with the disease. The artist is happy for his young friend, who recently got married.

Actress and TV presenter Anastasia Zavorotnyuk told subscribers microblog touching story of his friendship with a fan. The actress said that many years ago, I met seven-year-old Julia, who suffered from a severe illness. The little girl needed the support and positive emotions, which she fully gave Anastasia Zavorotnyuk, responded to a request for assistance. In the end she recovered. The actress did not disclose the diagnosis to Julia, probably for ethical reasons, but made clear that it was very serious, calling her recovery a miracle.

“She had certain health problems and very needed therapy positive emotions, communication, a positive experience. Time after time it gave improvement in all measured key indicators of its condition. Not only I supported Julia, but she gave me their attention, sent wonderful pictures, was here. Huge happiness to realize today that it was not in vain that miracles do happen, never give up,” – said Anastasia Zavorotnyuk in the microblog.

The reason for the story about the girl Julia was a great event – on the eve of the rescued Anastasia Zavorotniuk fan got married. The actress published a picture of Julia from the wedding and wished the young happiness.

“Let your whole future life brings you more of the same bright and memorable moments like this one, and let it become a new starting point, after which only joy, health and fulfillment of dreams,” wrote Anastasia Zavorotnyuk bride

Addressing his followers, the star asked them to never give up, no matter what happens in life. She called on all to help each other support and kind words.

By the way, complicity is now necessary and most of Anastasia Zavorotnyuk. The actress was at the center of a scandal because of the loan. Anastasia Zavorotnyuk will stand trial in late March

At the end of March she was brought before the court because of debts. The Bank requires that the artist was paid half a million dollars. Despite the fact that celebrity has already returned part of the amount for the loan, the financial institution did not go to meet her. Moreover, plaintiffs wanted to obtain recognition of the stars of the TV series “My fair nanny” bankrupt. “She is very upset, she didn’t come to this and that the problems will be discussed publicly. Many people take out loans, but their actions are not discussed publicly. She felt bad that her reputation is tarnished,” said lawyer Marina Deitch.