Александр Крушельницкий прокомментировал наличие мельдония в его допинг-пробе
The curler made an official statement.

Alexander Krushelnitsky

Russian curler Alexander krushelnitsky,
which was at the center of high-profile doping scandal at the Olympics, made
official statement.

Before the press-attache of the team “Olympic athletes
from Russia” at the Games in Pyeongchang Konstantin Vybornov has confirmed that
a doping sample B Russian curler Alexandra Krushelnytskoho was
positive. According to him, prior to the Olympics, all samples of the athlete were

“A sample taken from Alexander Krushelnytskoho to
start of the Olympic games 22 January, as well as all previous ones, was
negative. Thus, the fact of conscious or systemic administration
prohibited substances are not confirmed”, — reads the statement

He added that it is unknown what
this way, the drug could enter the body Krushelnytskoho.

Today a statement was made by Alexander himself.

“First of all, I want to apologize to her
partners on the Olympic team delegation and all supporters for
he couldn’t protect himself and Nastya from the problems that we are facing today
— says the athlete. I’m sorry that the historical victory of the Russian
Curling has now become the subject of a doping scandal that deals a huge
harm to our sport and Russian sport in General. However, ready
openly to assert, that never, never in that time do sports, I
never used illicit drugs and any other dishonest
ways of doing wrestling. I am strongly against doping, and always
tried to monitor closely the compliance with all anti-doping
rules. My positive test Meldonium in this regard was for me and for
Nastia is not just a shock. This is a huge blow to reputation and career. Not
to mention just completely devoid of common sense a person can
use any kind of doping, and especially such as Meldonium, in anticipation
The Olympic games, which test at the highest level. That is why I
like anyone else, is interested in conducting a speedy investigation for
determine the reasons for what happened.”