Александр Домогаров винит себя в собственном одиночестве July 12, people’s artist of 55 years old. On the occasion of the anniversary of Domogarova the First channel has prepared a documentary film “Alexander Domogarov. The knight of the sorrowful countenance” in which the actor himself has talked about his childhood, disappointments and loneliness.
Александр Домогаров винит себя в собственном одиночестве

Your 55th birthday Alexander Domogarov has noted on a scene of theatre of the Russian army in the creative evening “Return…”. “Because I’m not able to gather all of my people are at home, so we decided in my own theater to have a holiday. It’s not an anniversary, it’s a birthday!” — explained the artist. Domogarov invited his colleagues, friends and even classmates. Actor two hours sang received congratulations of colleagues and talked to the audience.

On the eve of the anniversary of the First channel has prepared a documentary devoted to the artist “Alexander Domogarov. The knight of the sorrowful countenance”. Painting is a kind of sincere and a bit sad monologue of the hero of the day. Domogarov admitted that in recent years he has changed and is going through a personal crisis.

“Maybe over the last five years the character has changed, and probably not in a good way. Mutter something all the time, BU-BU-BU anything. Crisis? Perhaps this is some accumulation, that you are holding up, and then BAM! Speaking for myself, this explosion is inevitable. Life it is a terrible thing,” says Alexander Domogarov.
Александр Домогаров винит себя в собственном одиночестве

At Domogarova happy creative destiny. He first appeared in film in that year, I graduated from the Schepkin theatre school. Immediately after graduation took him to the theater, where he successfully played a leading role. Popularity on Domogarova overturned burning audience love after the release of the third part of the “Cadets”. Broad-shouldered, brutal, piercing eyes goluby eyes Domogarov became an overnight sex symbol. Then there were other equally stellar work in film and successful experiments in the theater.

But with the personal life Domogarova less fortunate. Alexander had many disappointments and losses.

“Yes, I’m uncomfortable probably become uncomfortable. Was a mobile, light, friends has always been very much a sociable friendly, laughing, but something happened,” says Alexander Domogarov.

He first married when he was 18 years old. Natalia sagoyan Alexander met at the cottage with friends and as soon as I came of age, announced to parents that goes to the Registrar. The parents did not obstruct, gave the young man himself to fill his first shot.

“Mom’s still something nagged. And the Pope as a wise man responded very simply – want? You are free. And when after the wedding, after some time, I returned home with the things, dad, not getting up from his favorite couch, said, “Well, what? Profited? Put the kettle on?”. The value of the solution. Your solution please. Only your bump. Give me back my 20 years with my current brain, I would probably become what it should become. I would not be doing at 55 years out,” says Alexander Domogarov.

Domogarov could not save the marriage and was not with my son, when in 2008 at the age of 23 years Dmitry was killed in an accident.

Alexander in 1989, was born another son, also Alexander. And although the marriage with his mother Irina Golenkova, too, was short-lived, Domogarov maintains relations with the heir and satisfied with what it has become. Alexander Domogarov Jr. five years ago, dreamed of an acting career, but has now made a final choice of profession and now he’s making his first full feature as a Director. For the father’s sovereign choice of the son is extremely important and it is to them, and is satisfied: “I don’t think did anything wrong,” — says Alexander about his son.

In his 55 years Domogarov divorced three times, and although he does not hide that is going through some crisis, asks not to confuse loneliness and desire to be alone. Now Alexander is such a period: “do Not confuse the word “alone” with the combination of the words “want to be alone”. Loneliness is when you have no one. And I’m here and please leave me alone. I want to close the door,” shared Alexander Domogarov.

However, his son believes that dad got what he wanted, and his crisis is an integral part of profession in need of constant creative search.