Алена Водонаева сделала себе интимное окрашивание в зоне бикини
During hair coloring in pink Alyona Vodonaeva stripped naked and climbed into the tub

Алена Водонаева сделала себе интимное окрашивание в зоне бикини

Perhaps she has painted not only the hair on the head, but in the bikini area to keep the harmony, but she left in secret.

What’s more wanted to show Alena, publishing a photo of the bath – the hair color or a Nude figure and Breasts, she has recently decreased, it is not very clear, but have the effect she produced.

However, in the shot and a piece of belly, which the assurances of her husband Alena Alexey should be rounded.

While this is not very visible, but may still rounded.