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Her “happily ever after” never meant “married”. Hollywood actress Winona Ryder has never been married, despite the fact that at the time was engaged to johnny Depp, and already several years lives is doing and is making good with designer Scott MacKinley. She’s not one of those girls who always dreamed about the white dress and the altar, but it turns out that married Winona not to seek for fear. The fear of divorce.

“I’m a very monogamous person, but … I just don’t know how it happens. When I was fifteen I had a boyfriend who I really liked, and I thought that here it is – the love of my life, but then we broke up. My mom had to explain to me what is the relationship,” says Winona.
In 1990 she was engaged to Hollywood actor johnny Depp, but in 1993 they broke up and since then on the fingers of Winona did not appear even an engagement ring.
“Why the marriage? I don’t know. I better never get married than be divorced. I don’t see anything wrong with divorce, but I’m not sure. I have enough strength to get through this. When your parents are in love with over the past 45 years, then your standards are really high. But I prefer to be happy here and now,” said Winona, hinting at relationship with Scott, which occurs in 2011.
About children’s rider to remember is not love, but argues that the pleasure of watching her aging body.
“I like the process of aging. Now, in times of plastic surgery to me, and then they say “Oh, you should.. well, it..”, but I answer: “No! I’ve been waiting for this, so no way!”” said Winona, and added that as a child was very humble and awkward child, and now she is like never pleased with all their wrinkles and aging skin.

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