Сьюзан Сарандон и Джина Дэвис: Тельма и Луиза 25 лет спустя

In Cannes was honored Actresses, which is a quarter of a century ago have joined Ridley Scott’s “Thelma and Louise”.

— Today “Thelma and Louise” could only exist in the form of cartoon – smiling Sarandon. All predicted that after our paintings will be many projects with female heroines, but this did not happen. But in our industry the majority of solutions depend on men. And they are hard to see when the leading role played by a woman.

— By the way, when our film came out, many felt disrespected, but I assure you, we couldn’t film a feminist statement, we just had a good time, ” laughs the actress.

In the film Thelma and Louise decide to run away from the hated men and seedy town, and on the way to a new life they have to go on the offense. The main roles were considered Goldie hawn and Meryl Streep, jodie foster and Michelle Pfeiffer, Holly hunter and McDormand. But they got Gina Davis (a partner where you could not find for so long, was about to shoot her in both roles) and Susan Sarandon. The film received six nominations for “Oscar”, winning “Best screenplay”. But a quarter century later, the Actresses were awarded in Cannes for women’s contribution to the development of the cinema.

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