Родион Нахапетов прилетел на похороны Веры Глаголевой The Director arrived in Moscow to bid farewell to his ex-wife and mother of his children. Rodion Nahapetov together with family members Vera Glagoleva has received condolences at the ceremony. For the filmmakers it was important to be there at this tragic time.
Родион Нахапетов прилетел на похороны Веры Глаголевой

Today in the Moscow House of cinema held a farewell to Vera Glagoleva. Her tragic death was a real blow not only for the family — husband, daughters, grandchildren, friends and colleagues, but for many of our compatriots. This Saturday morning, hundreds of residents and guests of the city who came to Faith V. the last journey, honoring her memory. Couldn’t stay away and former husband of people’s favorite, Rodion Nahapetov. The man arrived from America to be near his daughters and to say good-bye to the night that once has fallen in love to unconsciousness.

Throughout the farewell ceremony Rodion Rafailovich was in the hall. He along with all accepted condolences from friends and colleagues whose hearts have been affected by the demise of Faith Vitalievna. On this day all who were fortunate enough to be friends and work with her, shared their memories and not hesitating tears, admitting how much she meant to them.

“StarHit” led a live broadcast from the funeral and talked in detail about all who made the farewell speech. In Moscow passes farewell to Vera Glagoleva

Родион Нахапетов прилетел на похороны Веры Глаголевой

When it came time for the ceremony, hundreds of people gathered outside the cinema House and directly in the foyer to hold applause Faith Glagoleva. People brought flowers and shared their impressions of her work and cried like I lost a very close person. Friends of Faith Vitalievna was impressed by what scale is the people’s love she deserved. When I was taking out the coffin behind him was daughter, actress and Director — Anna, Maria and Anastasia, spouse Cyril shubsky, Rodion Nahapetov and close friends of the family.

It was obvious that he Rodion Rafailovich needs support. His carefully held the hand of the eldest daughter Anne. The family went together on Troekurov cemetery where Vera Glagoleva will find their last resting place.

Родион Нахапетов прилетел на похороны Веры Глаголевой

Rodion Nahapetov has repeatedly shared with the public a love story, which turned his life. The Director even released an autobiographical book, where he described in detail the events of those years when he was married to Vera Glagoleva. The man thought about what was their first meeting, his attempts to “get her in the frame” when he was only a novice Director, on the birth of two daughters, his moving to the USA and divorce, which became for her a real shock. Gorgeous youth by Vera Glagoleva: how she broke into the hearts of the audience

Родион Нахапетов прилетел на похороны Веры Глаголевой
Родион Нахапетов прилетел на похороны Веры Глаголевой