Регине Тодоренко потребовалась экстренная врачебная помощь
The TV host had surgery.

Regina Todorenko

Photo: @Instagram reginatodorenko Regina Todorenko

Regina todorenko had surgery to remove the wisdom tooth. TV presenter for a week did not come to the doctor with severe pain and as a result the star up to the fact that she had formed an abscess. Despite severe discomfort, she couldn’t interrupt filming a show about travel and continued to work with a toothache.

“The operation was done, the seams are imposed. Yes, it was unpleasant, Yes, and the abscess, yeah, a week could not use his speech apparatus, and for leading a living hell. But thanks to Mary Iacovou for a great doctor and thank you for the tooth fairy! Everything went the best way. So I’m ready for a seven-hour interview, after which a sore jaw. And I can kiss!” said Regina.

Meanwhile, the Network does not cease discussion of the rumors that Regina plans to leave the post host of “heads or tails”. Last week it was reported that Todorenko will go in the near future, but the channel denied this information. “Right now, Regina courageously continues shooting “eagle&Tails” — said 7days.ru pr-the Director of the channel Natalia Abramochkin. — All new releases you will soon see on “Friday.” And the following year Regina on our channel will be even more — several new shows with her participation are already in production”.