Николай Басков все же собирается жениться на Виктории Лопыревой
In early October, was scheduled for a loud wedding of the famous singer Nikolai Baskov and model Victoria Lopyreva.

Николай Басков все же собирается жениться на Виктории Лопыревой

But the couple postponed the wedding, citing the fact that the date of the celebration coincided with the anniversary date of the death of grandfather by. Everyone started to discuss what this whole wedding was just a way to appear, hastened to deny Nicholas.

Николай Басков все же собирается жениться на Виктории Лопыревой

“Just happened that it looked like the PR company: the story of the wedding refused, and caused some reason of special interest to our people. So we still have Andrei Malakhov said I want to take this story. And then, suddenly, when everything calms down, thinking that all this PR will do a surprise,” said Basque.

According to the artist, the news that the wedding is somehow all so excited that he began to crumble the unpleasant messages from fans.

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