Максим Фадеев резко высказался о «предательстве» Марии Максаковой Famous producer expressed his point of view about the sensational case. Maxim Fadeev does not understand the act of Opera diva Maria Maksakova. The musician issued a heartfelt speech about love and respect for his native country.

      Throughout the week the public is discussing the relocation of Opera singer Maria Maksakova and her husband Denis Boronenkov from Russia. The couple decided that their family is better to live in Ukraine. Moreover, the man at the beginning of December became a citizen of this country. Also began to receive information that the former Deputy of the state Duma has declared the Federal wanted list for fraud in especially large sizes. However, some resent that Maksakova and Boronenkov left Russia and now, in their opinion, allow yourself to speak negatively about the home. Music producer Maxim Fadeev also did not restrain their emotions regarding the history of an Opera diva and her husband. Maria Maksakova and her husband were at the center of a scandal

      “Whatever it was, whatever you did not like the government of their country or as if you didn’t like the system in which you live today – but pour mud and dirt their country impossible. She still gave you life, bread, education, education. If you were sick and not like – go where you want, but be quiet! Never talk about my country badly. It’s the same thing that talking about his mother badly,” – says the musician.

      Fadeev recalled the days when he lived abroad. Maxim said that, despite the good wages and a career, he really missed native places. He could not bear to live in exile for 15 years, but because he decided with the family to permanently return to Russia. He tried to do everything for the welfare of his country, to invest energy and knowledge in their students.

      “One day, being with the family in Paris, we stopped at the intersection, and from the next car sounded track Rosenbaum “Raise a Cup to our children”. And the five of us cried. And I said to my wife: “Natasha, let’s go home”. In 2005 I finally came back,” shares nostalgic memories man.

      Well-known producer doesn’t understand how Maksakova with her husband could leave his native country. He believes that the family of Opera singer betrayed the Motherland. Fadeev is very sad that the singer had disappointed him.

      “Returning to MS Maksakova and her miraculous satellite, I want to say: whatever country it was, but it can not deliver. Yes it hurts, but it’s the same as to betray and leave my sick mother. I am sure that they will not find happiness, betraying the Motherland. And it will hang on the light outcasts, traitors. Because any man knows, if you were able to betray your Home – you also betray any other. I loved this singer. And today I’m very disappointed. Farewell, my disappointment,” concluded max.