Лариса Вербицкая: «То, что это была булимия, мы поняли не сразу»
The TV presenter spoke for the first time as fighting a disease of her daughter.

Larisa Verbitskaya and her daughter ina

Photo: Philip Goncharov

Like any mother, Larisa Verbitskaya has faced problems in the transition to adulthood of her daughter Inna. At this time, teenagers are extremely vulnerable, cutting out of control. But Inna had a real problem: taking to heart her mother’s joke, she fell seriously ill.

“I was not a very funny joke — says Verbitskaya. Said that she was fat. But it really was just a joke. And here’s why. On the show “the Last hero” I left 15 pounds of weight. Came back quite thin. Before travelling to Haiti we have with Inna was roughly the same size, and then some things got to me, and Inna small. I only said one sentence, jokingly, with a smile, “Oh, wow! You dress is bursting!” And that was enough to make my daughter decided that she needed to go on a diet. And on what! Daughter was openly hungry.”

And periods of the hunger strike was over the fact that she ate a kilo of chocolate and I gain weight. A girl is three days could eat nothing, and then pounced on the food. Weight all the time fluctuated. There were all the symptoms of bulimia. Inna’s parents were terribly concerned. It all lasted six years.

“Daughter it seemed that her weight is not changing,” says Verbitskaya. — And my husband and I saw that she was fading away. Saved the husband. Day-to-day, he said to Inna, “how thin you are! You are so slim! You have a little better”…

In the end, ina has thrown all diet and began to eat. “The funny thing is that as soon as I started eating, I lost weight even more, — says Inna. — As much as I weigh now, I haven’t weighed never. I have now a harmonious figure, there is a painful thinness. I’m glad that for me it ended well and teenage complexes not escalated into a serious problem.”

Full interview mothers and daughters about the difficult period in their lives see here>>

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