Курбан Омаров объяснил, почему встречается с Настасьей Самбурской Husband Ksenia Borodina spent a few days in the company of the stars of the series “Univer”. Kurban Omarov said that his connection with Nastasya Samburski. Fans were excited about the news that the couple is experiencing not the best times.

      Rumors that the family of a leading reality show “Dom-2” Ksenia Borodina and Kurban Omarov there was some tension, excites the public for a couple of months. The news that the husband of a celebrity were in one of the company together with the star of the series “Univer” Nastasya Samburski in Spain literally blew up the Internet. Fans tried to understand what is happening in the family permanent leading telestroke, and could not believe that the idyll of a beautiful couple may come to an end. Husband Ksenia Borodina rest in Spain with Nastassja Samburski

      However, Eid decided not to immediately reveal all the cards and tell you what really forced him to leave wife and little daughter, Thea, to come to the meeting with Samburski. As it turned out, the businessman decided to start a new project, so the meeting with Nastasya had exclusively business character.

      “In Spain you have a big company. We were there discussing the project, signed the contract. It so happened that she was there on vacation, and my company flew her to Spain, not to lose time,” – said Omarov.

      Ksenia Borodina, however, was very offended by the situation. Fans tried to support Xenia and assured that the difficult times and disagreements in couple will soon end. Moreover, the businessman has paid attention to his daughter, Theon and shared with followers photos and videos with the heiress.

      “I was born in the family of men, and instilling in me the appropriate. Do not allow yourself different kinds of statements towards women, which I spoke words of love, the woman who gave birth to my daughter, with blue as the sky eyes. Not going to write something in his defense, I don’t want this controversy, so do not let anyone to offend or insult the mother of a small Teona. Ksenia – caring mother, constantly giving the children attention, in spite of his tight schedule,” wrote Kurban in the microblog.

      As it turned out, the project, which conceived of lobster, he asked and Xenia. “And I never would be allowed to withdraw money and sell you my family, my refusal was the right decision, no man (even a husband) I will not allow us to sell!” resolutely said Borodin.

      Apparently, Samburski were more compliant, and the project it does not bother. Eid explained why he decided to work together with the star of the series “Univer”.

      “It is outrageous, vivid. The project she’s the star we need. The essence of our project is to show what a star, how she lives,” – said Omarov edition Life.ru.

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