Катя Гордон шокировала снимком живота после кесарева сечения The star showed off a huge scar, disfiguring her body. Kate Gordon, recently for the second time became a mother, decided on a bold move. A young woman demonstrated how she looks after a complicated surgery.

Businesswoman and singer Katya Gordon once again proved that she is a very brave woman, devoid of any prejudices and complexes about their appearance.

The star decided to demonstrate to the followers of the microblog, how she looks in reality after surgery, emergency caesarean section, which she suffered in February. Kate Gordon published a picture, allowing to see the detail in her body. While Katya without any photoshop. So the photo is perfectly visible huge longitudinal abdominal scar which disfigured body of a young mother.

“I know how to make the waist already in the program and retouch scars. But there is a signed Gordon a bold frame. This scar – the life of my second son and my. But it’s time to announce the search for a surgeon who will alter it and make neater. And a special Hello to Irina the masseuse who helped to bring my body in shape”.

Members Gordon was shocked at her sincerity and tremendous openness. Not many celebrities are willing to put yourself in such an imperfect world. Fans businesswoman thank her for her candid and honest thing to do.

“And I have the same scar. For 16 years. Also an emergency C-section, where great loss of blood and life and yours, and a child on the brink! And I’m not ashamed too, it’s part of my life story. Kate, I love you! You have such a beautiful figure!”, “Thank you for the great degree of confidence to its readers and resolution of though the eye see you in the cover version, but a live natural. Thanks again and great health to you and your baby”, “Caterina, thank you for your courage! I think hundreds of women after your post I will begin to love yourself even more! I admire you and look forward to new songs!”, “That’s all you. Real”, – admire the Katya Gordon and her followers.

Recall, the star gave birth to her second son in February of this year. Kate Gordon at the same time openly said that she had to go through to the baby was born. Kate Gordon almost died during childbirth

Celebrity lost a lot of blood and nearly lost his life. To save the mother and her baby, doctors had to resort to cesarean section. For the health of Kate and her son had fought for several dozen doctors. In the end, all ended well. And about that scary moment Kate Gordon recalls now, only a huge scar.