Аарон Тейлор-Джонсон обратился за помощью к психологу из-за фильма Тома Форда «Под покровом ночи»

Seven years it took the designer a head start in order to ripen for the shooting of his second film, to prepare a scenario of the future picture, to determine the actors, to consider all the details of the project, etc.

Thriller “Under cover of night,” the designer-Director was presented last year and immediately struck critics and audiences with the depth of this story.

The main roles in the film played by Amy Adams, Jake Gyllenhaal and Aaron Taylor-Johnson.

For the latter part in the project, Ford was the biggest challenge.

As recognized by Johnson, he had to pay to a psychologist for help to cope with the emotions that he experienced on the set.

The fact that the good, by nature, Aaron, father of two children (daughters, by the way) and happy family man, had to turn into a real monster who raped and killed a woman and her daughter.

“We shot that scene nights, three days in a row,” said the actor in an interview with The Hollywood Reporter. “Psychologically, it’s incredibly exhausting. After shooting I have appeared post-traumatic stress disorder. I had to go to a therapist and to set aside some time to just calm down. It was crazy”.

And no, Aaron, not saying that acting is an easy profession.