Юрий Аскаров: жена, дети. Личная жизнь Аскарова

Yuri Askarov — a popular TV presenter, actor and parodist. His filmography includes 15 films, including “the Hero of her novel”, “Gangs”, etc. Yuri works on TV, as the leading such programs as “full House”, “Thank God you came!”, “Allowed to laugh”, etc. Fans, watching an outstanding artist’s work, see family, and children and the wife of Yuri Askarov will not be discussed by the General public. Personal life of Yuri Askarov is not advertised.

		Юрий Аскаров: жена, дети. Личная жизнь Аскарова

Yuri Askarov

Family, children, wife, Yuri Askarov

Yuri Askarov (b. 01.02.1977 G.) lives and works in the capital. He’s married. It is known that the wife of Yuri Askarov name is Xenia, by profession she is a ballerina. In 2013, beloved wife of the artist gave the wife a long-awaited gift — the family of a Prince, the son of Yusuf. It has made adjustments to creative and personal life of Yuri Askarov. The name the boy gave in honor of his grandfather Yusuf Askarov, artist and Director.

		Юрий Аскаров: жена, дети. Личная жизнь Аскарова

Yuri Askarov with his wife Xenia

Yuri grew up in a creative family, where there was friendship, love and respect for art. The father of the artist Askarov Yusuf Lijanovic (25.02.1917-17.05.2004) was born in Petrograd, in the family of an employee of the Persian Consulate in Russia. By nationality he was a Persian of Iranian origin. Father Yusuf Askarov died very early. So the boy was forced to work in the farm. He combined study and work, dreaming to become an artist.

		Юрий Аскаров: жена, дети. Личная жизнь Аскарова

Photo: Yusuf Lijanovic Askarov

In 1937 Askarov Yusuf successfully graduated from theatre school at the Bolshoi drama theater in Leningrad, and then went to Murmansk, where he worked as an actor in the branch of the BDT. In 1946 he was arrested, then link. In this difficult time, he remained an artist and Director, but in the theatre of the Gulag. In 1956 — rehabilitation and work in the Achinsk drama theatre. In 1969, Jusuf Lijanovic became the chief Director of the Puppet theatre in Krasnoyarsk. In the same year he was awarded the title of Honored artist of the RSFSR.

		Юрий Аскаров: жена, дети. Личная жизнь Аскарова

Children of Yusuf Askarov Alijan and Yuri. The older brother of Yuri Askarov Alekperov Alijan (as it was called in honor of his grandfather), too, wanted to become an artist, but his father talked him out of it. Alijan man with bright, uncompromising character, therefore, the father persuaded his son to choose “more relaxed”, a technical specialty. He now works in a steel plant. But Yuri went in his father’s footsteps, continuing an acting dynasty Askarovich.

		Юрий Аскаров: жена, дети. Личная жизнь Аскарова

Photo: Yusuf Askarov with the eldest son Alijan

Biography of Yuri Askarov

Jura was born in Kansk in the Krasnoyarsk region. Its catchy, colorful appearance and artistry, he is obliged to the parents. His mom and dad often visited with my son in the theater, at concerts, telling him about the secrets of the skill and creativity of famous artists, instilling in the boy a love of art. One day my mother took Yuri to a concert of Gennady Khazanov, who not only roused the admiration of the future artist, but also determined his fate: artist, humorist, parodist.

		Юрий Аскаров: жена, дети. Личная жизнь Аскарова

However, after high school, Yuri unexpectedly decided to become a psychologist. In high school he was a member of KVN team where he showed his acting talent. Recital Yuri was so bright that his friends encouraged him to do some theatre Institute. And so he did. Went to Moscow and entered GITIS. Training Yuri Askarov was held under the guidance of the famous in the USSR, famous all over the country entertainer Boris Sergeyevich Brunov, which made adjustments in the creative biography of Yuri Askarov.

		Юрий Аскаров: жена, дети. Личная жизнь Аскарова

Career talented artist began with concerts of Boris Moiseev, where Askarov was a participant and host of the show, he performed with his inimitable parodies in between the rooms of Moses. In two years of working in this team Yuri has traveled all over Russia. He not only acquired performance experience, but also quite a lot of popularity as an entertainer, a leading concert programs and parodist.

		Юрий Аскаров: жена, дети. Личная жизнь Аскарова

Yuri Askarov on stage

“Russian Mr. Bean”

Yuri Askarov was loved by the audience as a comic artist and comic genres. All the works of Yuri Askarov-filled original pantomime. Extraordinary precision of the image is a parody of Yuri Askarov on the performances of Rowan Atkinson in his inimitable Mr Binet. The work of the Russian parodist was highly appreciated by Atkinson, then for the entertainer entrenched stage name “Russian Mr. Bean or Mr. Bean No. 2”.

		Юрий Аскаров: жена, дети. Личная жизнь Аскарова

Yuri Askarov and Mr. Bean

Russian humorist and a master of parody Yuri Askarov Alekperov has a wealth of experience. He spent more than a thousand concerts in Russia and abroad. Yuri Askarov has been a leading holiday concerts in USA, France and Germany played in Austria and Israel, participated in the performances of singer Rihanna, Italian singer and songwriter Toto Cutugno and the inimitable Patricia Kaas. Yuri Askarov — entertainer variety programs of the singer and actor Adriano Celentano, demi Moore, Ashton Kutcher, etc.

		Юрий Аскаров: жена, дети. Личная жизнь Аскарова

Yuri Askarov and Anna Semenovich in the concert program

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