Елена Исинбаева родила сына
The child was born in one of capital maternity homes.

Yelena Isinbayeva

Photo: Elizabeth Karpushkina

Today in one of the capital’s maternity hospitals Yelena Isinbayeva became
a mother for the second time. Olympic champion gave birth to a son. The child was born
healthy, kid and mom feel good. Information about the new addition to the family athletes confirmed coach Yevgeny Trofimov. He got a text from Isinbayeva with good news. “Yes, the night gave birth to a son. Feels good, all right. No other details know, she immediately after the birth of a baby dumped me text messages. So now you can consider yourself already a two-time “grandfather”, — quotes Trofimova RIA Novosti. Elena herself has so far refrained from comment, but in the near future is likely to reveal details of his son’s birth.

It’s funny that on the eve of important
events in the athlete’s life her fans, including a famous actor Gosha Kutsenko, jumped the gun and congratulated her on the completion of the family ahead of time. It
it was made after Elena
published the photograph, the setting which is reminiscent of the labour ward.

Under the post athlete left two images:
waving hands and a pregnant woman, which fans took as a signal
the fact that labor has begun. «Congratulate! Hurray! Children are our future! Attaboy! So
keep! Boy or girl?”members were unanimous in their
assumptions and comments. Misunderstanding
hastened to refute the official representative Isinbayeva, who says that
to congratulate the athlete too early.

It is worth noting that Elena before you go on maternity leave on
nine months pregnant, led an active lifestyle. She quietly flew
airplanes around the country, attending social and sporting events. So, in
mid-October, she visited Sochi at the world festival of youth and
students. Then accompanied the Ambassador of Monaco in Volgograd, where gave him
a real tour of the sights of his hometown. Upon returning
in Moscow, Elena all days worked in the office of the charity,
held meetings and participated in several events.