Яна Рудковская с сыном оказались в эпицентре урагана
Businesswoman showed the effects of a disaster.

Яна Рудковская с сыном оказались в эпицентре урагана

Yana Rudkovskaya, Evgeny Plushenko with son Sasha

Photo: Instagram.com

A few days ago Yana Rudkovskaya son and I flew to Bulgaria for a training camp the Academy of Evgeni Plushenko. Today in Albena, where a producer and a child, were hit by a hurricane. From the weather, fortunately, no one was hurt. Rudkovskaya showed the effects of natural disasters: the upside-down sunbeds on the beach and broken umbrellas. Shortly before the start of the hurricane of Jan with a sitter and five-year-old Sasha hid in a local beach restaurant.

Яна Рудковская с сыном оказались в эпицентре урагана

Photo: Instagram.com

Photo: Instagram.com

Before leaving, she was criticized by users of the Network, saying that she’s not young Sasha gives a rest, depriving him thus of childhood. Previously, this issue has already been discussed Rudkovskaya. She spoke openly about how he wants to help his son become successful, so from childhood teaches him to work hard.

By the way, recently the boy took part in the new show of the First channel under the name “Saw video”. Heroes of transfer — the authors and characters popular videos on the world wide web. Two permanent sections of the project will always take part of a star. One of the first “Helmet of truth” tried on Sasha Plushenko, that is, the child passed the test on the lie detector. Help him in this Dmitriy Shepelev, the permanent host of the show “really” on the First channel.

Transfer with Sasha will be released next week. Then the public will know and, if satisfied with his life Plushenko Jr. So if he really likes to skate on the ice to pose for fashion photographers for the covers of fashion publications and maintain a secular lifestyle in a time when his peers, including such well-known families, just enjoying the games.