Вуди Аллен ответил на обвинения в насилии

The daughter of 82-year-old Director woody Allen is once again trying to attract the public to her confession about the abuse she suffered as a seven year old child. The other day she told me, in detail what happened 25 years ago, but to prove the truthfulness of the words of Dylan Farrow failed. The charges he said woody Allen, whose lawyers proved his innocence in court twice.

Вуди Аллен ответил на обвинения в насилии

“Over 25 years ago, when Dylan accused me of sexual abuse clinics, Child Sexual Abuse Clinic and the New York State Child Welfare conducted a thorough investigation and independently from each other concluded that abuse was not. According to the experts of the clinic, my ex-wife MIA Farrow just been told this horror to a child, trying to take it out on me because of our breakup.” explains Allen.

Despite the conclusion of the clinics, who conducted the investigation, Farrow still continued to prove the guilt of Allen. She chided the public for inaction. Many celebrities condemned the actions of Harvey Weinstein, who molested girls, and her words did not attach importance. But some actors have responded to the repeated statements by girls, including actor Colin Firth. He officially announced the refusal to cooperate with a famous Director in the future. His colleague Alec Baldwin, on the contrary, defended Allen. The Guardian reported that the actor has criticized stars who refused to cooperate with the Director, describing the situation as unfair. He even launched a campaign in defense of Allen on Twitter.

“Against woody Allen conducted a judicial investigation, but no criminal charges have been filed, says Baldwin. — Refusal to cooperate with him unjust. I worked with Allen three times and proud of it.”

“It all happened in a small attic in a country house with my mom in Connecticut,” said adopted daughter of the famous Director.

“He told me to lay on my stomach and play with a toy train of my brother. While I was playing, I was sexually abused. He touched fingers to my labia and my vagina.” says Dylan.

Dylan wondered why the public believes more in what she “brainwashed” mom, not in what she says. “My mom just supported me and asked to tell the truth. She never tried to come up with answers for me,” she says.

Despite 25 years ago, Dylan didn’t hold a grudge against actors who continue to work with the Director on the films. “I hope that after many became supporters of the movement Me Too, and Time’s Up, the actors began to understand that you are responsible for what you contribute to the culture of reticence. I repeat his accusations for more than 20 years, but I periodically ignored, silenced. If society can not understand one of the survivors, how they will be able to stand up for other victims?”