Супруга Артура Смольянинова Дарья Мельникова скоро станет мамой
For a long time Artur Smolyaninov, too abused alcohol, and it seemed that this marriage is bursting at the seams.

Супруга Артура Смольянинова Дарья Мельникова скоро станет мамой

A couple of some time even lived together, and Smolyaninova began to notice at social gatherings with other women.

Супруга Артура Смольянинова Дарья Мельникова скоро станет мамой

However, Daria decided to give second chance to her husband, and it seems that she is now pregnant again. Even in photos from two months ago of under garments Dashi could see the tummy. And now it does prefer to upload pictures from the back, in airy garments or trims their waist.

Супруга Артура Смольянинова Дарья Мельникова скоро станет мамой

So the second child should be a good motivator for Arthur not to return to their riotous living.