Ани Лорак рискует нарваться на проблемы с мужем и дочерью
Now, when the betrayal of Murat Nalchajian ceased to be a secret, the details of their relationship with Ani Lorak began to emerge in the press.

Ани Лорак рискует нарваться на проблемы с мужем и дочерью

Girlfriend Carolina one after another tell us that Murat started to change her more during pregnancy and continues to do so until now.

Of course, that Caroline knew all this, but for some reason continued for this marriage to stay, even though someone saw her more often than her husband.

Ани Лорак рискует нарваться на проблемы с мужем и дочерью

As it seems, the secret of the fact that Murat is still considered husband and burns her money with her friends, is their daughter. All the marriages with foreigners is always a danger. How many were cases where fathers were taken away after a divorce children and the poor mother was in hysterics, trying to get them back.

And just to go somewhere to relax with her daughter without the father’s consent is a problem, and Murat might like to create problems.

Now, Caroline is resting with his daughter in Israel, and perhaps on his return, will announce a decision. Anyway, engagement ring she is already removed.