Владимир Епифанцев рассказал, что его связывает с 14-летним подростком

Vladimir yepifantsev is not the definite figure in the national media and cinema. As you know, in addition to its direct acting profession, Vladimir is also involved in shooting short films of their own, which cannot be meant to be viewed by a broad audience. Recently became aware of another scandalous trait of the image of Vladimir Epifantsev. It turned out that the actor they have taken a 14-year-old girl who fled to him from Dagestan.

Before appearing on the threshold of the workshop of the actor, Patimat (name of fugitive) and Vladimir spoke on the social network: “we Spoke exclusively to artistic themes. I’ve uploaded it, so let’s say artwork that she did on the page, as well as poems, scripts. In one scenario, Party I made the film. Here are our relations, we consider ourselves close friends”.

Certainly, Epifantsev never thought that one day you’ll see a girl on the threshold of his house, but when it happened, he immediately contacted her parents and insisted on being taken away: “Patya not lived with me. She arrived during the night, he called and said that in Moscow. I said, you went nuts, told his friends, her friends, they met her, and we called my parents the next day to come pick her up. She arrived during the night, and five or six in the morning she was taken, she sat and waited for their parents. She was crying, sobbing, asked for forgiveness, that tripped me.”

By the way, my parents Epifantsev, she represented solely as tyrants and alcoholics. In fact it was a lie: “She has positioned parents as tyrants, villains who are brazed. Said that from the age of 11 she was given vodka, but it was all her imagination, she apologized for it. Her parents are intelligent people — teachers, lawyers. Nobody beats her as she spoke, but her don’t understand.”