Влад Кадони сравнил «Битву экстрасенсов» с «Домом-2» MAG participated in several popular projects of the channel TNT, spoke about the return of Marilyn Kerro. Recall that the viewers and other participants of the battle of disliked her decision.

      One of the brightest events of last Saturday — the return of the witch review <url> the project “fight of psychics”. The act of the girl has caused a storm of discussion in the Network and among program participants. The discussions were divided into two camps: fans of kerro, who believes that she made the right decision, and those who, conversely, believes that we should give way to others.

      Why Marilyn Kerro returned in the “Battle of psychics”

      30-year-old Vlad Kadoni compared the new season of battle with another, equally popular program on channel TNT — reality show Dom-2″.

      “Who should, he will understand…what I love “Battle of psychics” is that every year it becomes more and more similar to the “House-2”. But I’m afraid that this season was forced to miss. And next I will definitely be back… for viewing. I am sure that “the Battle of psychics” still surprise us, and I hope dignified out of the crisis of the genre,” — expressed his opinion Kadono in one of the social networks.

      Kadono fans were quick to share their opinion about his post. “Very well spoken, short and to the point”, “I wish your mom was coming, Vlad, she’s strong and chic,” “really, “Dom-2″ turned…”, “What are you angry… Marilyn goes to his goal, is it bad?”, “Third time — it’s not funny”, “it would be Better Groin came back,” “Marilyn — well, I did not hesitate to come again”, “every new arrival of kerro number of her fans increases,” “Well, maybe she though this third time lucky? Although there is with whom to compete,” wrote in the comments to the publication.

      According to Kadono, projects similar. In the reality show “Dom-2”, are also ex-participants again to try to find love. Vlad himself was in both gears, and secondly, even tried his hand as an anchor, helping Ksenia Borodina and Olga Buzova. In the “Battle of psychics” Kadono twice fought for the main prize: in the sixth and eleventh seasons. The magician can also be seen in the finale of the thirteenth season of programmes about the psychics — he supported his mother, the Siberian witch and clairvoyant Helen Golunova. The woman was very close to victory, but after the announcement of the results of the audience voting has lost first place Dmitry Volkhov.