ВИДЕО: Владимир Пресняков получил неопровержимое доказательство своего отцовства
The singer has found a similarity between his sons.

Vladimir Presnyakov recently captured on video the touching moment, which made it clear to him just how “strong” genes. The singer has published a video, the protagonist of which was his little son Artem. As it turned out, the boy has a funny habit of running around the house in daddy’s shoes. The most curious thing is that his eldest son, Nikita adored in childhood as well indulge. In proof of his words he made a collage of pictures of two sons, made with a difference in 23 years.

Artem and Nikita Presnyakova

Photo: @Instagram presnyakovvladimir Vladimir Presnyakov

“My friends, this is little Jake 23 years ago, and the Subject now! Someone kind and wise guides them!” he said. By the way, Artem has inherited from dad and even love for music. Vladimir and his wife Natalia Podolskaya caught her son for a fun pastime. The boy stole it off the table daddy’s headphones and enthusiastically listened to the music, nodding his head to the beat. So it is possible that in their family growing up another musician.