ВИДЕО: Инна Маликова устроила любимому брату необычный сюрприз
Dmitry Malikov went back to the youth.

Soloist and producer of “New Gems” Inna Malikova
long thought what to buy your brother — famous musician and artist Dmitry
Malikova, on the day of birth. The singer is always very responsible attitude to
gifts for her loved ones and tries to come up with something unusual.
Dmitry is very difficult to surprise and especially to touch, but Inna did it!

Dmitry and Inna Malikova with the “New Gems”

Photo: Press service

Shortly before the holiday Malikov remembered that soon
the 30th anniversary one of the first and most beloved hits her brother “You
my never will.” And she decided to record a cover version of the song.

“My ensemble “New Samotsvety” held their
the surprise secret until the last moment! — said ina. — Composition
was very warm and romantic and was inspired by the melancholy and
nostalgia. After all, who of us in childhood did not dance slow to that song?”

Updated premiere of the track took place at the celebration of
the birth of Dmitry Malikov. The singer came to the real delight of this
a creative gift.

“I had a bit of a return to youth, — Dmitry told.
— I was only 18 when I wrote a tune and decided that this would be the song.
But the words to her, and began to look for suitable poems. Took a leap of faith and
opening the bookcase, pulled out the first volume of poems. It turned out that it
poems by David Samoilov, with whose work I was almost unfamiliar. Opened
an arbitrary page and read the title: “Ballad”. And there are the words: “You
my you never will,/You’re my never gonna be,/ in Reality I won’t like /And
in the dream, can’t fool me”. I immediately realized that this is exactly what I was looking for, and when I sat down
to the piano and started to play, the word is formed on the melody.
It was absolute magic, the miracle that has touched me, and
now, when I heard their song “New Gems”, I
it again experienced! Although it should be noted that the song turned out completely different.
I didn’t even recognize her. Only realized when I heard the first words. And it
very cool!”

The audience, by the way, the song also took on “cheers.” Guests
sang along with the artists, dancing, and someone even made a home video.
Fans of the “New Gems” liked the song so much that they literally
flooded the group with requests to release the song officially. The fans desire — the law
for the artists. So soon the group met in a professional Studio and
recorded the hit “You’re my never gonna be”.