ВИДЕО: Алика Смехова подарила сыну-четверокласснику транспортное средство
Now Makar can get to school much faster.

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It turns out that Knowledge Day is a real holiday that
to unexpected gifts. Alika Smekhova, for example, was pleased with his
youngest son Makar, who went to study in fourth grade the new kid

Alika Smekhova got on the red carpet in Cannes

By the way, today the eldest son of actress — Artem — first time
started training in the Russian economic University named after Plekhanov. In
unlike my mother, who at the time he graduated from GITIS, and grandfather of Benjamin Smekhova,
graduate of the drama school named Shchukin, Artem decided to get an education,
not associated with the acting profession.

In late summer Alik, along with his sons took a vacation in
France, on the Mediterranean coast, and Tom, and Makar well rested,
gain strength before the beginning of the school year.