Видео: Алена Водонаева упала с мотоцикла
TV presenter overtired during the video shooting.

Видео: Алена Водонаева упала с мотоцикла

Alain Vodonaeva and angelina Lavaux

Photo: Instagram

Alena Vodonaeva will play a major role in the clip the DJ angelina
Lavaux: shooting, passing now in new York nearly ended in tragedy. On
directing the idea, in one of the scenes star rides a motorcycle.

next take Alena famously turned her head, showing off his gorgeous hair. Apparently,
Vodonaeva did not calculate range of motion, resulting in lost
balance, fell off the bike and it weighed no less than half a ton.

Alena Vodonaeva

Photo: Instagram

Alain terrible injuries he was saved only by her quick reaction. At the last moment, falling,
Vodonaeva with the force pushed off his foot, crouched and jumped as high as possible
step away from the car, sabaliauskas at her.

Probably, the incident occurred due to fatigue of the singer. After all
at the time of the fatal double Vodonaeva worked for about twelve hours
in a row. During the filming of the clip she also rode on a dog sled. All
the shooting was recorded in the Studio. Later on the computer will draw the surrounding star
a fantastic panorama.

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