Виктор Логинов сообщил о внезапном разводе The actor recently separated with his wife Olga. The star of the show “Happy together” played in the life of a bachelor and the pros and cons. Viktor Loginov does not exclude that he would marry again, but yet he needs to be alone.

      Виктор Логинов сообщил о внезапном разводе

      Star Comedy show “Money. Sex. Sciatica”, which airs on channel “Che”, Viktor Loginov again left alone. The actor filed for divorce from third wife, Olga. According to him, in his bachelor life quite a lot of pros and cons. Loginov told reporters how he feels after a breakup with his wife.

      “For me, divorce is a painful story. I’m not ready to say that never getting married. No, I’m unlikely to remain a bachelor. But I am looking forward to take into account all the bugs and issues that were not resolved in previous stories. But the main and worst minus divorce is, of course, the solitude,” said the actor.

      Victor says he is looking for salvation from loneliness in the work. In the TV show “Money. Sex. Sciatica logins, talks about what excites men, and about relations between the sexes.

      Free time, the actor tries to devote to their children: sons Sasha and Ivan. If the star does not have time to meet with the heirs, he feels a terrible loneliness. Despite their divorce, the showman of the opinion that the family is a very important part in the life of every person.

      “About myself I can say: I’m all for family values. The institution of family should be paramount. And this should be supported — through movies or literature. Now we have so many divorced TV series and films about lonely and proud individuals, living only for the sake of career. That the institution of the family is now occupied such a low position, the slip state. If in Soviet times, family values supported by a culture, already in the perestroika years all started to break down. And now we have what we have,” – said Loginov.

      Victor and his wife Olga lived together for many years and only five of them were married. In 2006 they had a son Alexander, and in 2011 was born the second boy Ivan. The star of the show “Happy together” contends that he holds with the heirs a lot of time, so they don’t feel abandoned. “We went with his wife, does not mean that I will spend less time with their sons. My boys were, are and will be the most important people in my life,” admitted logins in an interview with “TV Program”.