Вера Брежнева о главном мужчине в жизни: «Он бы сейчас мной гордился!»
The singer shared childhood memories.

Vera Brezhneva

Photo: @ververa (Instagram Vera Brezhneva)

Vera Brezhnev was honoured to host the Olympic torch relay. The singer had personally participated in the preparations for the winter Olympics 2018 that will take place in South Korea. The actress carried the torch in the province of Jeju-do. The final point of the relay become Pyeongchang, which will host the Grand opening ceremony of the XXIII Olympic games.

The singer dedicated part in the relay for my dad, who the day before would have turned 63 years old. Faith remembered that daddy instilled in her limitless love for the sport. “In my life the Olympics came when I was 6 years old. Warm memories: in the small town of Dneprodzerzhinsk dad at the TV rooting for our athletes. Then, for me, no matter the sport, it was important for me that my dad and I were together doing one thing. Yesterday at the relay, I relived the day “come from childhood”. Thousands of miles away from home I felt could be a United people from different countries, even with all the difficulties of translation, we all speak the same language — the language of peace, respect and kindness. A great honor for me was the invitation to participate in the Olympic torch relay in the status of “Mastermind”…

My path was long and quite difficult (it’s not about two flights to Jeju and different time zones). I’m talking about the long road of working on ourselves, overcoming ourselves, the constant movement forward, despite all the difficulties and fears – it’s my life reflects the motto of relay is “do what you cant”, that is, do more than you can. And I continue to do! Amazing coincidence. Today dad would have turned 63 years old. And his little girl grew up and became a small part of his beloved Olympics. He would now be proud of me!” — shared Belief