Василий Степанов возвращается к светской жизни It seems that the life of an actor, suffering from a protracted depression, gradually getting better. Stepanov was the guest of honor of the writer Lena Lena. The celebrity said that he looks great and he called it “a Sex symbol of the year”.

      Василий Степанов возвращается к светской жизни

      30-year-old actor Vasily Stepanov, who many remember for her role in the blockbuster Fyodor Bondarchuk “Inhabited island”, decided to return to secular life. For a long time about it nothing was heard, but it seems that Stepanov catching up. The artist was invited to the party of the writer Lena Lena. She presented him the award in the category “Sex symbol of the year”. The young man looked great and said “StarHit” that he had a Manager who organized his participation in the event is celebrity.

      “Award Lena was a surprise to me. I didn’t expect that I have any interest. Now I work, is busy in several projects. Will be available next year”, — said Vasily Stepanov “StarHit”.

      By the way, the party Lena takes place in the suburban village of Cambridge, where the writer not long ago moved. Moving, held at the end of August, Lenin also organized a celebration to which they invited their celebrity friends — Boris Grachevsky, Bari Alibasov, Kostya Tszyu, Joseph Kobzon, Shura, Alexander Peskov, Anastasia Zavorotnyuk, Rose Sabitova, Larisa Dolina and many others. Lena Lenina has gathered a stellar friends to a housewarming party

      Recall that after the release of the painting “the Inhabited island” in 2008, which Stepanov played with Yuliya Snigir, he became the idol of millions. Journalists and fans gave the actor pass. But Basil was not able to withstand the test of fame, after a while, he put on record in the dispensary. The doctors came to the conclusion that Stepanova manic depression. On the career of a young actor was given up. After a long illness and treatment Stepanov lost much weight, and many could hardly recognize it inflated blonde Maxim Kammerer.

      Seven years of oblivion: Vasily Stepanov fled from depression and poverty

      Apparently, now he decided to seriously take up an acting career. His award Lena Lenin said that he looks fine. Apparently, impact sports. In an interview with “StarHit” Stepanov admitted that regularly tries to swing and pull-up, walking in the Park. The young man also told reporters that attends various auditions and watching a lot of movies for inspiration. Stepanov admits that wants to return to cinema and he recently recovered from a painful fall.