Ургант в прямом эфире извинился перед коммунистами за слова о Ленине

Ivan Urgant apologized to the “Communists of Russia” for comments to the monument to Vladimir Lenin, which he allowed himself in the framework of the program “Evening Urgant” on Friday.

“Friends, yesterday was forgiveness Sunday is one of the three most revered holidays of members of the party “Communists of Russia”. There’s may day, the Day of medical worker, naturally, and forgiveness Sunday. And we filmed (co-host Urgant, Dmitry Khrustalev) I want to apologize to the party “Communists of Russia”. Dear party “Communists of Russia”! Forgive us! For God’s sake!” said Urgant.

In addition, Ivan promised that he will continue to warn viewers about possible jokes, so they managed to change the channel: “Now especially for you in the beginning of the program we will put a caption: “Warning! The program may contain a distorted image of the leaders. All. If you see at the beginning of our transmission of this caption, all — switch to “Dom-2”, — said the presenter.

Recall that the members of the party “Communists of Russia” were outraged by the comments that Ivan gave in the air “Evening Urgant”. The presenter made fun of the restored monument to the leader that touched his followers.

Leverage on the show-MENA Communists felt even his grandmother, which sent a letter asking to boycott grandson until he will apologize.

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