Без цензуры – дорого: билеты на Шнурова продают за 100 тысяч

Group “Leningrad” will sing for the guests and participants of the St. Petersburg economic forum. And concert tickets almost gone!

Sold out! So the concert Shnurov in informal afterparty forum 17 Jun certainly go out with a Bang. Choice, admittedly, unexpected, as Sergei long been sharpened tooth deputies and public men, demanding to ban the band because of the foul language in the lyrics.

And here with such “cultural baggage” Sergey and Co. will now sing for the Russian and foreign elite. However, the musicians themselves, this turn does not surprise.

For the “Leningrad” is a traditional event. The group annually participates in the informal, that is an alternative to the official press program at the St. Petersburg international economic forum, reported Woman’s Day PR “Leningrad” Dmitry Guguchkina. – Any suggestions regarding the repertoire or the ban on the use of profanity organizers we did not”.

Guguchkina said that to speak of the Cords will be on the old, proven area, where last year arranged an afterparty for guests of SPIEF 2015. Then, we recall, bankers, oil companies and top managers with a couple of senators “off the grid” at a concert Sergey Ginza.

The only difference is that a year ago the ticket for one person, including the reservation, then was worth 30 thousand rubles. This year, according to “Radio Baltika”, for the right to hear “In St. Petersburg – drink”, “Louboutins” and “Bag” the political and business elite will have to pay 100 thousand rubles per person.

However, connoisseurs of more refined genres can visit in the framework of the official cultural programme of the concert of stars of world ballet with the participation of Nikolai Tsiskaridze and Irina Perren and Symphony orchestra of the Mariinsky theatre under Valery Gergiev. So the alternative participants of the forum is still there. As they say, from ballet to offensive.

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