Тина Канделаки стала «жесткой» вегетарианкой
The presenter told us that was excluded from your daily diet.

Photo: Instagram

Over the last few years Tina Kandelaki actively gives himself in perfect shape. The presenter began to play sports, moved to proper nutrition, and now became interested in Ayurveda and became a vegan.

“Strength and energy after Panchakarma has become more clearly, — has told fans of Tina. — People, I’m not campaigning, in the world 30000 diets, Ayurveda is just one of the roads. But veganism is clearly my theme. I’m 20 years do not eat meat. Only fish and seafood. Now without fish for two months and practice only became more powerful!”

Recently Kandelaki was in an Ayurvedic clinic in Germany, where he received basic knowledge about the doctrine. Experiences she shared c subscribers in a personal blog:

“Never dealt with this medicine. Here, the whole pulse diagnosis. Many of the recommendations are at odds with everything I’ve done before. But, as they say here, in a world of many diets, Ayurveda offers his way him 5000 years. Ayurveda in the time of British colonization were destroyed, remaining only in villages. And only in the XX century managed to restore what seemed lost. What it’s like to talk for a long time, but the main essence in the following. The person who was able to preserve the ancient teachings and to turn into a real international movement, called Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. If you remove the 5 senses, then there is no peace, we cease to feel. The main question in Ayurveda: what in us is conscious of the world? Response — consciousness. Different systems give different characteristics. The Indians say: “Space, air, fire, water and earth. Space and air is Vata. They are invisible, but exist everywhere. Pitta – fire. He transformerait. It’s The Sun. Kapha — water and earth. Something that has form. It’s The Moon.” Hindus believe that the condition begins at birth. Vata — if the parents just had sex, Pitta and Kapha — if consciously engaged in childbearing. Vata because of a quick mind become chaotic, they need to slow down a bit. Ideal art classes and yoga. Pitt breakdown. Always achieves the goal. I — pitt. Average, in winter without a hat, but in the mini… We burn from the inside, we have a strong generation of heat. Kapha stocky build, slow metabolism, can eat once a day. But, if you teach, there will be no stopping…”

By the way, the new system of food — without meat, and now no fish is likely denies rumors that Kandelaki is pregnant by a young man. Doctors strongly recommend pregnant women not to abandon animal protein for the proper development of the fetus. And even though vegetarians and vegans don’t always listen to the advice of physicians, Tina probably would not have started to experiment by getting pregnant at 42 years old.