The actor told subscribers how hard is it day. Maxim Vitorgan not getting enough sleep every morning and reluctant to leave the house. Probably, this way of life contributed to the fact that the actor lost weight.
The last few weeks have been really hard for Maxim Vitorgan. The actor spent a lot of effort to prepare for the performance “In the second principle something is not” created together with colleagues from “the Quartet And”. The work itself, which made the statement that was written four years, the authors staged public readings to check the play on the audience. Maxim Vitorgan told subscribers of his microblog how hard it is every day. The premiere will be held in a week, so the creators are trying to the performance was perfect.
“It is slavery. Wake up in the morning without an alarm clock after 5-6 hours of disturbing sleep. Try to pull the time – being still at home. You can enjoy Breakfast. Not that I want to. But it is possible. Need. It’s another fifteen minutes before to be left alone in the car, clicking music like gear changes, inability to stay on one thing and trying to give more acceleration. There-there! Hurry it up! While no one was there and quietly. Already there, in silence, to hear as time goes by and how come all, and become loud. Not to think about anything else for a minute. Not to talk to anyone on any abstract themes. To cancel appointments and don’t answer the phone”, – shared the artist her experiences.
Members noted that the Vitorgan writes beautiful posts and was surprised how thin actor. “Slim”, “Skinny twink-philosopher!”, “Very emaciated”, “You are in great shape and began to look younger!”, “Very thin and tired”, “Super slender man”, “Cool! Do not argue! Xenia all sports will make,” said the followers.
By the way, as the wife, Ksenia Sobchak, Maxim Vitorgan in shape and going to the gym. However, perhaps the weight loss of an actor is also associated with stress: because very soon the actor will become a father again, and he will have to sleep at night. Child of Ksenia and Maxim will be born this fall. Pregnant Ksenia Sobchak openly talked about her feelings toward her husband
Grandparents look forward to the appearance of a grandson born. Emmanuel Vitorgan and Lyudmila Narusova has repeatedly said that Sobchak would make a good mother. “Xenia, it’s time to bear children. Let the past, she said that children is the last thing she will have, but now her opinion has changed. We all get older,” – said father Maxim.