Вдова Алексея Петренко раскрыла причину его смерти Famous actor died in the evening of 22 February. Azim Abdumuminov, in marriage with which the folk artist lived for six years, spoke about the tragic death of a husband. The woman also believes that the departure of Alexei Petrenko hastened his quarrel with the eldest daughter Polina.

      Вдова Алексея Петренко раскрыла причину его смерти

      In the night of February 23, fans and colleagues of the famous artist Alexei Petrenko with bitterness found out that the legendary actor passed away at the age of 78 years. Actor Alexei Petrenko died

      His death became for many a bolt from the blue – Petrenko never complained about his health and rarely went to doctors. As told by the widow of Alexey Vasilyevich Azim Abdumuminov, her husband died instantly.

      “Thrown a clot. When the ambulance arrived, aid was too late. Alexei Vasilievich died about ten o’clock in the evening of 22 February,” said Azim.

      Fans of the great actor and his colleagues did not want to believe in this loss, because despite his age, Alexei Petrenko was active, full of energy and creative plans. According to the widow of national artist in the near future he had planned performances in St. Petersburg, Astana and Alma-ATA. Recently, the actor starred in the video for the song leader of the group “Motor-Roller” Ilyas Autov “do You remember, brother, how was it?”. A few days before departure, he prepared a surprise for the wife of Emmanuel Vitorgan Irina, originally congratulated the woman with the birthday number in the style of a theatrical Revue. To its 80 anniversary, which Mr Gordeyev noted, would be in March of next year, he planned to release an autobiographical book and audio album with songs. Prepared a private concert. But those plans went awry…

      According to Azimi Abdumuminov, Babysitting Alexei Petrenko could speed it up a quarrel with the eldest daughter Polina. In late January, the woman gave an interview to TV channels, which expressed their grievances to the father. Alexey Gordeyev about these statements of the successor found out and was very worried that the publicity was devoted to doubtful, in his opinion, the facts. “For him it was a real blow. He was very upset. After wrote a letter to the presidential administration of Russia, which resented, why allow lies and slander on the channel. He asked to stop persecution in his address, said in an interview with “Komsomolskaya Pravda” the widow of Alexei Petrenko. – Today I ask all to pray for the enlightenment of the souls of those people who shortened the life of the great actor”.

      Bury legendary actor February 27, at St. Nicholas Archangel cemetery in Moscow.