Звезды на вечере Оксаны Федоровой: фоторепортаж

The miss universe Foundation organized a celebration in the center of Moscow in Day of protection of children.

Oksana Fedorova has organized another charity event to raise money for rehabilitation after severe illness for the Foundation. The event was held on June 1, children’s Day, on the area of the Kiev station.

Charitable Foundation for children, youth and elderly people named Oksana Fedorova “Hurry to do good!” with the support of the journal ModaTopical offered to guests for a nominal sum to buy a t-shirt with original print “Good in fashion” by famous Russian designer Alexander Siradekian. The cost of the most expensive t-shirt – 1200 rubles, and the cheapest is $ 1000.

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Supported miss universe, many Russian celebrities who are not only actively lecturing posts about the festival on their pages in “Instagram”, but also personally come to please hits the many spectators of the event.

“Nice to feel such support from my colleagues, so many people responded. We can say that today’s holiday is hosted by friends of the Foundation: the stars of show business, designers, and just caring people who want to support. Positions in their accounts placed Kostyushkina singer Julia, Vladimir and Natasha Presnyakovy, Valery Meladze, Valeria. Many people today are next to me here, singer Zara, Victor Rybin and Natalia Senchukova, Alexander Tarasov (T-Killah), Marina Devyatova Irina Ortman, Maria Veber, Loja, Lesya Yaroslavskaya, Anzhelika Agurbash, Alyona Apina and many others sang tonight on our stage”.

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