Звезда «Уральских пельменей» попала в шторм в открытом океане Ilana St. George has arranged a vacation for the whole family in Miami. While traveling on the ship on the ocean, the passengers were in the midst of the raging elements on the way to the Bahamas. However, this trouble could not spoil vacation tourists.

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      The star of TV show “Ural dumplings” Ilana St. George has arranged vacations for the entire family abroad. Being on the Atlantic coast, artist, along with her husband Vladimir Dyldin and little daughter Diana decided to take a cruise on a luxury ship. After a couple of days they had to land on the island Cococay. To the deepest regret of all travelers, their route was changed. Because of the strong waves, the ship was unable to dock and left in the ocean. Ilana glad neither she nor the other passengers were not injured from the storm.

      “For people who are unable to “go” to the island Cococay because of strong waves and which hang out the whole day in the ocean, we look too happy,” said the actress.
      Звезда «Уральских пельменей» попала в шторм в открытом океане

      Now Ilana with her husband and daughter finally got to the Bahamas unscathed. The star of the show “Ural dumplings” glad can to spend as much time with her husband and adorable daughter, who at the end of April will be two years.

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      New 2017 St. George, along with his family met in Miami. For an artist this was the first experience of the holiday without snow. In the vacation days she’s basking on the beach, showing off chiseled figure in a swimsuit. Despite the slender body, the actress is not starves himself and not torturing diets. She enjoys huge burgers and not afraid to gain extra pounds.

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      Ilana glad that now, in the midst of winter the whole family can enjoy the heat and bright sun. She tries to have her daughter spent as much time as possible outdoors. In the summer she prefers to take the child away from the bustling city.

      “Time spent outdoors is the best it can be, especially for children, said Ilana, “StarHit”. – So whenever possible we try to leave the city. Fazenda is not close, and if I periodically go to work in Moscow, Diana remains in the country”.