Звезда клипа «Сиськи» группы «Ленинград» довела отца до слез Love Konstantinova apologized to the father due to the fact that she was swearing in a new video rockers. However, her relative loved the clip, he noted that her daughter played “Boobs” perfectly.

      Звезда клипа «Сиськи» группы «Ленинград» довела отца до слез

      “At first I was disappointed, didn’t like myself on screen – says “StarHit” 21-year-old actress of the Maly drama theater Love Konstantinova. But then I watched the video 20 thousand times and calmed down. Parents are also my work is appreciated – he texted he was proud of.

      “Dad, please forgive me!” – I pleaded, turning to his father after his message of congratulations. Very frightened: suddenly outraged that in the video I say mate… But he reassured: “Daughter, you! We only friend and I watched the clip – you got played, I wept much”. I was relieved.

      To get to the clip, I was casting. Had to play three scenes: if I found the beloved in bed with another woman, as I tell you about the change Director Anne Parmas if she were my girlfriend, which we relax in the bar, and as I get acquainted with a new guy. I’ve done my homework and waited for the verdict. A call from the curator of the filming caught me in the theatre Academy. Instead of the anticipated feelings of joy that I will be doing the “Leningrad”, immediately became nervous: what if I fail? A few nights of no sleep…

      Звезда клипа «Сиськи» группы «Ленинград» довела отца до слез

      On set I helped the star “Exhibit” Julius Topol’nitskiy she plays in “Boobs,” pregnant girlfriend of my heroine. Julia was advised to merge with the role and cast doubt. I listened… and it worked! The shooting came three days – in built in color: “the apartment, in the beauty salon, a bar, a restaurant and a fitness centre.

      “Glad to have studied with you in school!” write me classmates. Friends joke that now I’ll be flooded with offers to advertise breast implants. If that happens, I’ll pass. And yourself silicone breast do not want, because I think that you need to make yourself be what God created”.