Сын Елены Санжаровской: причина смерти, что случилось

In the past the owner of several Moscow fitness club and a very wealthy woman Elena Sangarovskaya had to endure the tragedy that permanently knocked it out of the usual rhythm of life – the death of his son. What happened to the son of Elena Sangarovskaya Nikita? During a holiday abroad, he seriously injured his leg, and he was injected with painkillers, which the young man fell into a coma.

Officially, the cause of death of the son of Elena Sangarovskaya not disclosed, and therefore we can only guess about why he died young healthy man. Perhaps it affected him because it was after his introduction he went into a coma from which never came out.

		Сын Елены Санжаровской: причина смерти, что случилось

After this tragic event Elena for a whole year excommunicated himself from the ordinary life she tried as little as possible to go to the people, abandoned the job, but then found the strength to deal with the case. She closed their clubs and decided to do projects on the Internet.

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Elena Sangarovskaya

A few years before this Sangarovskaya had become famous that ordered the murder of her ex-husband. There are several versions of why she had decided on this act. The press wrote that Elena after the divorce, sold the remainder to her and her son’s apartment to the spouse after the divorce, but then regret it, decided to hire a Hitman to kill the former.

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Photo: ex-husband of Elena Sangarovskaya

She herself tells a different story. Version Sangarovskaya, she never “ordered” the ex-husband Alexei, and the criminal case against her, he “concocted” together with his friend attorney.

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Personal life Helena Sangarovskaya, in her confession, was never happy, though married to Alex she had lived for about twenty years.

To file for divorce she decided, the impetus for this decision was the conflict with the wife of their son Nikita.

“The son finished school, and my husband forbade him to go to College, insisting that he went to serve in the army. I insisted that our son received an education and chooses what he is closer and more interesting,” says Sangarovskaya.

The husband was categorically against divorce, tried several times to get her back, and she could not resist, because, she confessed, continued to love Alexei.

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But as it turned out later, to establish a relationship with ex-wife Alexei made a never-ending love for her, but purely Mercantile considerations – he began to persuade her to rewrite all the apartments, and when they succeeded and received certificates on the property on two apartments in the centre of Moscow, just kicked Helen’s daughter (the son was studying in the United States).

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They temporarily settled at the sister Helena, and when completed the house in which she once bought an apartment son moved there.

Sangarovskaya tried through the courts to repossess the property and then against it criminal case, having accused in the murder of ex-husband.

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Elena with her son and daughter

To avoid jail Sangarovskaya, she said, helped a lot of money and connections. She arranged everything so that the court declared her insane. This woman spent some time in the hospital, having been diagnosed sick. Thanks Elena has no previous convictions, and she believes that out of this situation with minimal losses.

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Photo: the son of Elena Sangarovskaya

After recovering a bit from all the troubles Sangarovskaya gets another blow – in a few years dies Nikita, and what happened to the son of Elena Sangarovskaya, it is unknown so far. It also does not tell about the cause of death of Nikita, trying to do as little as possible to touch this topic, so it’s heavy for her.

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With daughter and grandson

Now Elena works actively receives additional psychological education. She says she earns very well, and have enough money not only to her own life, but also to financially help their daughter Jana and her little son.

		Сын Елены Санжаровской: причина смерти, что случилось

She does not forget and about own personal life and hopes to meet a decent man to create a family.