Певицу МакSим обвинили в распаде чужой семьи Lyudmila Rebrov claims that the singer stole her husband. According to the woman, the actress met her husband at the airport, and it gradually became another. Besides, says the victim, Maksim threatening her.
Певицу МакSим обвинили в распаде чужой семьи

To the editor of “StarHit” said the woman, stunned by the confession: “I Want to tell you how Maksim took my husband. 17 years of marriage finished, the child was left without a father.”

As it turned out, the drama in the life of a 38-year-old Muscovite Lyudmila Rebrovo unfolded a few months ago: in the VIP hall of the airport her husband, businessman Boris Vorobyov met with the singer, who along with concert Director waited for the flight. They exchanged phone numbers. After that, according to the women, the husband allegedly became others, the family started a quarrel. In the end, on 1 December she filed for divorce.

“Honestly, most worried about the son that will be with me – still – says Lyudmila “StarHit”. – I don’t know what can go still my husband. It seems that all the 17 years I was not familiar with this man.”

After Rebrov has promised to make the story public, allegedly began threat from Maksim.

“This person sends the people he wants to know what I know, continuing Lyudmila. Promised to sue for libel, to strip to the bone, record our phone conversations, insults. Don’t have a clue what else might come into her head. The impression that I broke up the family, not my husband hooked up with her. A couple of days ago decided to take some time to leave Moscow. Will be back by January. At this time there needs to be a divorce. Marriage can not be saved, and do not want”.

For comment on the incident “StarHit” and turned to the culprit of scandal – Maksim.

“My heart is now completely free, – admitted the singer. And I can’t answer for all the jealous women whose husbands listen to my songs.”