Королева будет в ярости? Парад в честь дня рождения Елизаветы II ознаменовался конфузами
Cousin “gagged” Prince George.

Королева будет в ярости? Парад в честь дня рождения Елизаветы II ознаменовался конфузами

Photos: shots of parade broadcast by the BBC

Yesterday’s celebration ceremony on the occasion of the 92nd
the Queen’s birthday, was marked by several incidents.

It all started back during the parade Trooping the Colour,
sponsored annually in honor of Elizabeth. One of the senior officers,
participated in the horse parade, field Marshal Charles Guthrie suddenly swayed in the saddle, and then slipped
with his horse and crashed to the ground. It was picked up and carried away on a stretcher
the appeared in time physicians. The cause of the incident was, apparently, yesterday’s weather
in London the thermometer showed about 30 degrees. But the parade uniform of guards
not designed for such heat, it necessarily implies shaggy fur
hats on his head! Besides, the Lord already far not young — he has time to celebrate
his 79th birthday.

But the children of the Royal family felt in such hot weather in their light summer clothes are quite comfortable. Prince George, who next month will be five years old, my parents dressed up for an appearance on the balcony of Buckingham Palace in a white shirt and shorts. And Princess Charlotte, as two of its nearby cousins — Savannah and Evil (the daughter of the grandson of the Queen of Peter, son of Princess Anne), sported colorful outfits. At some point, George, which the spectacle of the air show resulted in a state of extreme excitement, had misbehaved so that he continued to shout even during the national anthem. So Savannah decided to stop him by closing the future king his hand that it was actually a flagrant violation of the Protocol.

Sir Charles Ronald Llewellyn Guthrie


But most attention was attracted by a three year old Princess Charlotte. First, she joyfully clapped her hands, looking at the pencils. But then, looking at the flying planes in the sky too much and threw back his head back, lost his balance and fell backwards, hitting hurts. The mother of the young Princess — the Duchess Katherine had to take the hands she wept bitterly and did not want in any way to calm down the daughter. In other matters, in the end, she stopped crying, and the rest of the celebration passed without adventure.