Сила веры: как звезды будут поститься в этом году Celebrities shared their experience with the readers of “Stargate”. The artists stated that the post holds great value. Sogdiana, sisters Zaytsev, Vladimir Levkin and many others said that it helps them in the post to feel harmonious.

      Сила веры: как звезды будут поститься в этом году

      Today, Orthodox Christians began lent. People from all over the world prepared to change own life for the next 40 days, and the Russian stars were no exception. For some of them to keep the post – a very difficult task, and some can easily pass all the tests and follow the rules. “StarHit” learned how this year will be fasting celebrity.

      Julia Mikhalkova, an actress of the show “Ural dumplings”

      “I lent for several years, – says the artist. – At first it was difficult, because I, as they say, “meat” people. But now perfectly learned to do without meat in these weeks. Despite the fact that I during the fast travel a lot, fly on tour, no concessions themselves do not. The indulgences of the post for strangers I do not use. Together with the Archbishop of Yekaterinburg and Verkhotursk Kirill we hold the festival of meatless dishes in their hometown. Want to show that Orthodox and Lenten food can be tasty”.

      Irina Vladi, singer


      Сила веры: как звезды будут поститься в этом году

      “I am an Orthodox man and I honor all religious holidays and traditions. First time consciously held the post in 16 years – was feeling a spiritual need, – admitted Irina Vladi. – Observe lent every year, not only Great, but the rest of them. At this time, try as often as possible to go to Church, talk with your Confessor. For me, fasting has great spiritual significance. I do not understand people who see it as a way to get rid of extra pounds”.

      Vladimir Levkin, singer

      Сила веры: как звезды будут поститься в этом году

      “To understand the true meaning of the post I came relatively recently, openly said Levkin. Probably five years ago. We fast as a family, breaks do only for my daughter, she’s too young to stand post all the rules. Her diet we do not exclude dairy and fish. But with a wife keep the post strictly”.

      Nelly Davydov, public figure

      Сила веры: как звезды будут поститься в этом году

      “For me, lent is primarily spiritual cleansing, a time to put your ideas and thoughts in harmony. Of course, restrictions on food are important, but, in my opinion, that is secondary. It is very important in the weeks to preserve the power of the spirit, to go to Church, to control their emotions, to do good deeds”.

      Diana Hodakovskaya, TV presenter

      Сила веры: как звезды будут поститься в этом году

      “My mother is polka, and I confess the Catholic faith. Great post, we started a week earlier, said “StarHit” Diana. – To obey the law, I behave responsibly. Trying to keep it on all the canons. Since my TV themes – cooking, I make a meatless menu, so the food was not only correct, but also delicious.”

      Anna Semenovich, singer

      Сила веры: как звезды будут поститься в этом году

      “Several times held the post, but to my body it was too much pressure, – explained Anna. – Father allowed me to do not strict restrictions in food. Because the value of fasting is the cleansing of the spirit, thoughts. And, most important, a good attitude towards others, peace. The weeks I spend at home with your families, read a lot of spiritual literature”.

      Oksana Skakun, actress

      Сила веры: как звезды будут поститься в этом году

      “I was born February 6, the day of the Holy Blessed Xenia, the name I was baptized and in the Church I always go to her icon, pray, burn a candle, said “StarHit” Horse. – Or just part of the post indulge in a meat diet. The meat I eat outside of the post rarely – once a month, if not less. Eat spinach, arugula, optionally in the diet are flax seeds and pumpkin seeds. Drink fresh juices, make smoothies. For example, smoothies with the same ingredients: celery, avocado, Apple, banana, flax seeds, parsley, spinach leaves. It contains many vitamins and is a wonderful remedy for migraines”.

      Lubava Greshnova, actress

      Сила веры: как звезды будут поститься в этом году

      “Because I’m a vegan, my diet is fairly restrained. I do not eat fish, meat, seafood, eggs – shared Greshnova. – At one time completely exclude dairy products, but now, on a normal day, sometimes eat cheese. So during lent, which I observe, and feel at ease. I’m not stressed about it, and I don’t have much to reconsider your diet. The post should not be a “diet”, as many consider it. This is more! It is the call of the soul and heart! It is important not to just give up on certain foods and lead the appropriate lifestyle to be restrained, kind, submissive. It is important not only what we do, and what we think. You need to be able to control your thoughts. Try these days to meet more often with relatives, to see friends, to visit relatives, which we because of the work we see rarely. Lent is a time that you can dedicate to yourself, it is important to be in a comfortable condition and to radiate positivity, you need to be in harmony and not to indulge in human pleasures”.

      Sogdiana, singer

      Сила веры: как звезды будут поститься в этом году

      “This year I decided to observe lent, but given touring schedule, food will make it hard enough, but I’ll try. Usually I can’t properly hold the post since I may forget the dates and mix. As they say, woke up, and the post is already in full swing. This time it coincided. In a Farewell Sunday we with Abraham Russo presented their new video for the song “nothing is impossible”. And it’s true – today I woke up completely inspired and ready to pass mental and physical test”.

      Anastasia Leonova, the wife of Andrei Leonov

      Сила веры: как звезды будут поститься в этом году

      “I need to fast not only in food, but also spiritually, – says Anastasia. – I’m a vegetarian, so for me not so difficult to go through these forty days. Importantly, this year I decided for myself not to give in to bad emotions. Not to be angry passers-by, children, drivers who are driving near. To give love and warmth. Andrew refers to this more simply, but also will try to support me and our family”.

      Sisters Tatyana and Yelena Zaytsev, singer

      “My sister and I have long respected post, says Tatyana Zaitseva. – We came back when we lost our mother. We are very religious people. For us lent is a time that you can overstate something in life, to understand, and God will direct you and deigns. It is given to everyone, but no one is ever forced to do anything without his will. This is the time when you can think and be alone with yourself. Be cleansed not only physically, but also spiritually.”

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