В убийстве детей украинского пианиста Вадима Холоденко подозревают его супругу

Last week America shuddered: in his own house in the town of Fort worth found the bodies of little girls famous Ukrainian pianist Vadym Kholodenko and his wounded bleeding wife Sofia Tsygankova. While everyone was wondering who could commit such brutality, the truth broke out, and she’s scarier than you can imagine: the murder of five-year and one-year-old Nicky Micaela suspect.. their own mother.

“We have enough reasons to suspect her in the murder,” said police chief David Bebak during a press conference. According to law enforcement, Tsygankova itself self-inflicted knife wounds after he killed their daughters. This happened a few hours before Vadim was supposed to arrive. The pair has been married for five years and decided to leave in November last year. Most likely, in such a brutal way a woman decided to take revenge on the spouse that initiated the divorce.
“The loss of my children will not be replenished ever. Wherever I lived the rest of my life, my heart will always be here, in Fort worth, where rests my girls,” said the heartbroken father.

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