Муж Ирины Агибаловой восстал против нее The reality star took offense to the spouse. On international women’s day she had to go to the hardware store to purchase the necessary repair. Elect Irina Agibalova not only helped her, but left without a gift.

      Thelebanese Irina Agibalova intensively involved in repair. Sometimes the star of the reality show even takes advice from fans when it cannot resolve a particular issue. “That’s the same puzzle! When doing scratch repair, always easier! But when trying to update with minimal losses, just removal of the brain of some kind,” said the woman.

      Recently Agibalova had a doubly hard time: beloved husband suddenly began to argue with her. Moreover, Yuri gave the second mate a gift in honor of International women’s day. Mood Irina Alexandrovna was spoiled.

      “The day was heavy for me. The husband “went on strike”, not congratulated, I was spinning like a squirrel in a wheel, and repair workers went to the store, dragged a bunch of boxes with toilets, sinks, baseboards, Wallpaper and construction hassle. And rolling the second cart from the store, barely heard the congratulations on March 8 from the guard and managed a crooked smile in response. “A real woman”, I thought… the Festive day was the worst for my life. My son and Mitusha did lighten it a little bit,” shared the woman.

      According to Agibalov, grandson sent her a voice mail and a nice picture. “Grandma d, the holiday, and I will soon arrive. As there Lavrushey without me?” – asked the boy. A touching message from a loved one touched by Irina Alexandrovna to tears.

      Fans of celebuski was alarmed by the information that she had quarreled with her husband. They immediately began to ask Agibalova what happened. After some time, the star of telestroke replied to fans to clarify their conjectures.

      “The husband went on strike because he hates strangers in the house, repairs, and haste. He likes calm, peace, and he is little need, unlike me. Once in youth, when I was trying to increase the living space because to live in a communal apartment with a little Olya was very hard, he told me: “I like everything, I don’t need much, a cot, toilet with shower, coffee and sandwich, and things in a suitcase and can be stored”. At the time I was twenty-three years. I realized that we need more, and start to solve the questions of life itself. Same thing with repairs, purchases, etc” – explained Irina.

      Part of fans Agibalova asked the woman why she decided to work in the day. According to celebrity soon to her relatives, that is why it is highly desirable to complete the repairs up to this point. “Do not want chaos and dirt of kids to meet, they live here. And then the next day Rita Pasha leaving for three days, and the grandchildren stay with me” – said Irina.

      At the end of his treatment Agibalov said that have always been striving for perfection, therefore, does not intend to evoke pity from fans. “Something like that and turns in life that I most want, so she do… you Want a lot – work on this myself. And here to congratulate you!” – said the woman.